Export Grades

To export grades:

  1. Open the course and click on [Grades] in the navbar.

  2. On the Enter Grades page, click [Export].
    Identifies export button in Grades tool.
  3. If you have merged rosters and need to Export grades by section, choose [Sections] from the dropdown menu and click [Apply].

    Shows the Sections menu item and indicates the Apply button.
    Then choose the section to export and click [Apply] again.

    Shows selection of section.
  4. If you have groups set up in your course, you will see a Groups option. To see a list of your groups, choose [Groups] and click [Apply] button. 
    Shows the Groups menu item and indicates the Apply button..
    Then choose the group to export and click [Apply] again.

    Shows Groups options.
  5. Select the Key Field you want to use to identify students (Org Defined ID is the LSCS ID number).
    Shows key field options for grades export.
  6. Select the sort order you prefer for the exported file.

    Shows the various sort order options available.

  7. Select the Grade Values you want to export.

    Shows the grade value options for Grades export.
  8. Select the User Details you want to export.

    Shows user details for exporting grades.
  9. Select the Grade Items you want to export.

    Shows where to choose grades to export.
  10. Click [Export to CSV] or [Export to Excel].

  11. A pop-up window will appear. Click on your file's link to download it. Click [Open] and save the file to your computer.